Fresh locally grown veg raises money for windmill

Brixton Windmill benefited this summer from a great partnership with Myatt’s Fields Park community greenhouse plant nursery. They supplied our FoWG Parks Group with a variety of healthy seedlings, which two of our members grew on in their allotment.
The result: we were able to offer local residents a continuous and varied supply of tasty organically grown salad leaves and vegetables, sold to raise money for Brixton Windmill.
At the end of most tai chi sessions in Windmill Gardens on Saturdays there was a freshly picked array of seasonal vegetables available at very reasonable prices. They were also on sale at our Windmill open days and community events in the park, one pop-up stall in Brixton farmers? market and several pop-up stalls on Brixton Hill, where local residents could buy fresh beetroot, chard, courgettes, cucumbers, three varieties of beans, sweet corn and tomatoes.?
As the seasons change so does the fresh produce on offer. In September we hope to add peppers, squashes and more varieties of apples.
So far this year ?651 has been raised from these sales, which also included very tasty jam and chutney made from locally grown soft fruit.
Thanks to our hard working Parks Group volunteers, our jam makers, and above all to Fabrice and all our friends at Myatt’s Field Park for organising such a great local food-growing initiative.