Busy Open House weekend and harvest festival

Despite two days of contrasting weather, we had a very busy Open House weekend last week.
On Saturday 91 people signed in to visit the windmill. It was a glorious sunny day, and the Harvest Festival was a delightful event with lots of families and visitors joining in the fun. Children loved making scarecrows as well as playing musical cowpats (an imaginative variation on musical chairs) and making peg dolls.
Adults enjoyed lively folk music from the No Frills Band and bought organic bread and snacks from the Old Post Office Bakery as well as fresh produce grown on local allotments. The chickens from Brixton Pop-Up Farm were popular with everyone. Many thanks to the festival group for organising it so well.
On Sunday we had totally different weather, but our intrepid volunteers and equally intrepid visitors kept going all afternoon. In the end, amazingly, 71 visitors had signed the book.
So despite tents blowing down it was clearly a success! Our visitors’ book contains lots of lovely comments about the windmill and much praise for our guides and volunteers.