Park news

Last year Windmill Gardens gained a prestigious Green Flag Community Award for the first time.
This year the park will be ?mystery shopped? at any time during the award year 16 July – 17 June. Our FoWG Parks Group volunteers have been working hard to improve the look of the park. You may have noticed that the wildflower area behind the windmill is looking particularly colourful at the moment.
Early in June we were joined by a team of corporate volunteers who spent a day working hard in the park to replant the flower bed by the gate, paint another section of railings and generally spruce up the park. They also helped Park Group members plant buckwheat beside the windmill after the April Bearded spring wheat failed to germinate and more soft fruit bushes along the park boundaries.
Our next project is to replace the three decrepit wooden planters on the paved area behind the herb bed with brand new ones. These will be filled with low maintenance and drought resistant plants.
If you love gardening and want to volunteer with our active parks group please email and put Parks in the subject line.