Harvest Festival – A Great Success!

Harvest Festival

A big thank you to everyone involved with our Harvest Festival event on 25 September – we had over 1000 people attending throughout the afternoon. Visitors enjoyed beer from Brixton Brewery – thanks to them for supporting us with the event. Deuce Hospitality supplied us with delicious hot food and our bakery and deli stalls from Old Post Office Bakery and Ashby’s Deli were also really popular.  Thank you to everyone running the various craft and creative stalls – we had everything from bicycle powered sewing to corn dolly making.

Milling harvest festival

The children’s baking workshops were also really popular and the final products (hedgehog rolls made with our own flour) were a triumph!

We had live music on throughout the afternoon – thank you to Anouk on Sax, South East London Folk Orchestra, Casino Moon and Future Groove for entertaining everyone!


And finally a big thank you to all our amazing volunteers – cafe helpers, millers, tour guides, shop helpers,  first aiders, workshop deliverers and stewards.  And not forgetting all those who helped get things set up and cleared away at the end of the event.  Also thank you to Brixton Bid with support on security.  And to Fabio our volunteer baker who kept our volunteers happy and well fed with delicious pizza and cake! (You can learn from him at our upcoming Halloween Baking workshop).

Keep an eye out for our next seasonal events – we have Halloween Family Baking workshop on Saturday 29 of October and our Winter Market on Sunday 11 December.

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