Sign petition to support our education programme

Windmill school visit

Please help us to persuade Lambeth Council not to delay its plans for a new building in Windmill Gardens, so that our education programme does not grind to a halt in Brixton Windmill’s bicentenary year.

Brixton Windmill, one of Lambeth’s most famous landmarks, is 200 years old in 2016. Since it was restored with the help of a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) in 2010-11, the mill has been open to the public in the summer months for free tours run by the Friends of Windmill Gardens, and introduced over 2,800 children from local schools to a wide range of topics related to windmills and local history.

The HLF grant has now run out, and the Friends have put together a business plan outlining schemes to generate income. This included opening a modest new building in Windmill Gardens, on a site where a previous visitor centre once stood.

This would provide space to expand the education programme, store grain to mill flour, and host workshops, exhibitions and other meetings. Of these, the most urgent is the education programme, as the post of the education officer will end on 31 December 2015.

Now the future of the project, and of the education programme itself, are threatened by a proposal by Lambeth Council officers to withhold money which was agreed in January 2015 to pay for the new building. They are calling for further feasibility studies ? to which no date is attached.

Please sign our petition here to ensure the building goes ahead without delays so that our education programme can continue.

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