Celebrating the life of Jeff Thomas

Jeff Thomas

Friday 22 July, 7pm to 9pm 

Brixton Windmill Friends and volunteers will be celebrating the life of Jeff Thomas on Friday 22nd July. You are invited to join us to remember Jeff who died in January this year. We first met Jeff in September 2015 when he booked a tour of the windmill and immediately signed up to be a volunteer joining the Friends of Windmill Gardens later that month. He became increasingly active and helped us organise the 200 th anniversary celebrations of the windmill throughout 2016.

Jeff joined the leadership team of our charity and helped volunteering with us as a tour guide, a miller, a very good photographer – regularly contributing to our flickr site – a ‘sometimes gardener’ and as one of our CIO trustees. He steered us through GDPR and sorted out all IT issues for us.

We miss Jeff a great deal and want to celebrate with all his neighbours and friends a life that was very full but cut tragically short by cancer when he was only 55 – far too young. Do join us the Brixton Windmill Centre on Friday 22nd from 7-9pm – doors open 6.45pm. There will be food, drink and a time to chat and remember Jeff on a summer’s evening next to the Brixton Windmill that was so important to Jeff. We will be joined by Jeff’s sister, Julie who is travelling from Jeff’s home-town of Bridgend, south Wales.

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