Brixton Windmill sail

Spring General Meeting

We will be holding the Friends of Windmill Gardens Spring General Meeting on Wednesday 17th April 2024, at 7pm. Please reserve your free spot (so we know how many to cater for) by clicking this link.

You can download the agenda here and will go as follows:

  1. Welcome & Introductions
  2. 23/24 Chair Report (Toussainte Reba)
  3. Assemble Volunteer Management System: what is and how do we use it? (Abel Holsborough)
  4. Marketing and Communications update (John Licence)
  5. Proposed Changes to Constitution: electronic and hybrid meetings (Emma Smith-Bodie)
  6. Resolutions
  7. AOB
  8. Drinks & Social

We welcome all members, old and new, volunteers, and anyone interested in the organisation to have your say. The Chair Report will be presented at the meeting. Please see below for a printout of the agenda, last year’s minutes, and the Proposal for Changes to Contitution will be added to this page shortly and issued to members.

Only current members of the Friends are eligible to vote at a General Meeting. Any member can propose a resolution for the meeting but this must be received by the Secretary before 5th April so it can be circulated to members by 10th April.


Agenda printout

Spring General Meeting minutes 2023

Proposal for Changes to Constitution and Appendix



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