AGM 2022

Annual General Meeting 2022

You are invited to attend the fourth Annual General Meeting of FoWG since the transfer of the charity to a CIO with voting members other than its trustees in February 2018.

The meeting will be held on:

Wednesday October 19th 2022, 7pm- 8.30pm
at the Education and Visitor building in Windmill Gardens, west end of Blenheim Gardens, SW2 5EU

There will be a chance to meet Trustees, other members, staff, Friends and neighbours from 6.30pm onwards, when light refreshments will be served.

We hope you can attend in person and book via eventbrite by clicking the link below.

If you cannot attend in person we may be able to offer a virtual link-up.  Please let me know if that is the case by email to by October 12th.


As explained below, only current members of the charity are eligible to vote at the meeting. To join as a member click here

Please email if you would like to check the current status of your membership.


Under FoWG’s Constitution:

12.1.1  There must be an Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) of the Members.  .. AGMs must be held at intervals of no more than 15 months. The AGM must receive the annual statement of accounts (duly audited or examined where applicable) and the Charity Trustees’ annual report and may elect Charity Trustees as required under clause 14.
14.   … one-third of the Charity Trustees shall retire from office. …

14.3 The Charity Trustees to retire by rotation shall be those who have been longest in office since their last appointment or re-appointment. If any Charity Trustees were last appointed or re-appointed on the same day those to retire shall (unless they otherwise agree among themselves) be determined by lot;

14.4 The vacancies so arising may be filled by the decision of the Members at the AGM; any vacancies not filled at the AGM may be filled as provided in clause

14.5 The Members or the Charity Trustees may at any time decide to appoint a new Charity Trustee, whether in place of a Charity Trustee who has retired or has been removed in accordance with clause 16 (Retirement and removal of Charity Trustees), or as an additional Charity Trustee provided that the limit specified in clause 13.3.2 on the number of Charity Trustees would not as a result be exceeded;

14.6 A person so appointed by the Members shall retire in accordance with the provisions of clauses 14.2 and 14.3. A person so appointed by the Charity Trustees shall retire at the conclusion of the next AGM after the date of his or her appointment and shall not be counted for the purpose of determining which of the Charity Trustees is to retire by rotation at that meeting

FoWG can have up to 12 trustees  As required by the Constitution,  three Trustees are retiring, two of whom are seeking re-election.  Current Trustees are: Toussainte Reba (Chair), Sonam Sikka (Treasurer – retiring and seeking re-election), Nick Weedon (Vice chair), Viv Whittingham (Secretary), Ann Lee (retiring and seeking re-election), Jean Kerrigan, Chris Patton (retiring), Mark Gordon, Marita Brown and Philippa Tudor.

Two new Trustees have been recruited by the Board and we are pleased to put them forward for election: Emma Smith-Bodie and Edgar Sutcliffe.  Both are Lambeth residents.  Emma is employed as a Community Manager and has extensive skills in design, social media and data analytics and, as an experienced Trustee, is interested in taking an officer role, while Edgar is interested in Income Generation.  He is currently employed as a successful Head of Major Giving at the NSPCC.  Both have important skills for the Board.

12.6.1    Any decision other than one falling within clause 11.4 (Decisions that must be taken in a particular way) shall be taken by a simple majority of votes cast at the meeting (including postal votes in accordance with clause 12.9). Every Member has one vote and shall be eligible to vote provided that he, she or it has been a Member for at least six months prior to the date of the meeting.

We hope you will attend the AGM on Wednesday October 19th. As explained above, only current members of the charity are eligible to vote at the meeting.

We welcome all volunteers to join us at the AGM to participate in the discussion on FoWG’s achievements over the past year and our future plans for the new Windmill Centre beside Brixton Windmill.

AGM 2022 Documents

You can download the annual statement of accounts and Charity Trustees’ annual report draft below.