2021 Spring GM

2021 Spring General Meeting

All members and volunteers are invited are invited to attend our next General Meeting and hear what has been going on with the Friends of Windmill Gardens since the Annual General Meeting last October. The Spring GM will be held online on Tuesday 27 April, starting at 7pm via Zoom.

Brixton Windmill Centre

We welcome all members, old and new, volunteers, and anyone interested in the organisation and its activities to join us online and have your say. The agenda will include:

  • Chair’s report on FoWG activities and developments since the AGM last October: reports from sub-groups about events, education, fundraising, communications, milling, and the park
  • Introduction of new Trustees
  • Our priorities and plans for the coming year
  • Treasurer’s report

Only current members of FoWG are eligible to vote at a General Meeting. Any member can propose a resolution at the meeting but this must be received by the secretary before 30th March so it can be circulated to members by 5th April.
email: secretary@brixtonwindmill.org


You can join the virtual General Meeting using Zoom.  It is important that you book your place in advance so that you are sent an invitation with a link to join the meeting.  It is not essential, but Zoom may work better if you have downloaded the software ahead of time.


Click here to book your place via Eventbrite now



When: Tuesday 27th April at 7pm
Where: by zoom video-conference

 Please email info@brixtonwindmill.org if you have any questions about attending the GM online or the Zoom platform.

GM Spring 2021 Documents

You can download the meeting documents below.