Planting hops in Windmill Gardens on 13 March

Our first gardening workshop of 2018 in Windmill Gardens is next Tuesday 13 March, 10am-3.30pm, when we will be planting hops along the fence behind the windmill.
Planting hops is something we have discussed for a long time. The aim is to soften the rather ugly fence behind the windmill as the Prima Donna (First Gold) variety that we have ordered will climb to 2 metres. The hops can also be used by local craft breweries to make beer.
Lambeth Landscapes are sending two parks workers to help in the morning, as planting hops requires some deep digging and soil preparation, but we also have other tasks to complete in the park for those not able to help with such heavy tasks.
We plan to tidy up the wild flower area and also the flower beds in the children’s play area. We will be surrounding them with the some special edging tiles that have been donated to the park.
If you can help, either in the morning or afternoon, please let us know when you can come and how long you can stay by e-mailing us at: Please put “Gardening” in the subject line. We provide lunch for those who stay all day and there will be a plentiful supply of hot and cold drinks and snacks throughout the morning and afternoon sessions.
If you can’t make it during the day but fancy an hour of night time gardening you can join us at 7.20pm, when a team from Good Gym will be in the park to help with tidying up the path edges. Good Gym is a group of local runners that combines regular exercise with helping in their local community.
Finally, some interesting park news: Lambeth, Southwark and Lewisham scored the joint highest score in a new league table published by Parks for London, which aims to raise the standards in London parks. We know that in our borough many volunteers who make up the different friends of parks groups do great work to improve our parks and without them Lambeth would not be in that group!