Friends’ volunteers shortlisted for award

Great news – Friends of Windmill Gardens volunteers have been shortlisted for the prestigious Museums + Heritage Award for Volunteers of the Year.
The nomination was made in recognition of the supreme efforts made by our volunteers in 2016, when they organised extra events to celebrate Brixton Windmill’s bicentenary year.
A group of volunteer millers started grinding flour regularly, providing extra income for our activities, and the Parks Group also raised funds through bric a brac stalls as well as getting funding to offer free weekly tai chi sessions.
The Communications Group gained excellent publicity throughout the year – Brixton Windmill appeared on ITN News, London Live and BBC Radio London, as well as featuring regularly in Time Out magazine and even in South African Airways in-flight magazine! They also greatly expanded the range of merchandise.
And of course, the campaign for a new education centre has required volunteers to spend many hours reading documents, drafting business plans and attending meetings.
As a charity run entirely by unpaid volunteers, the Friends could not have achieved so much without the unflagging enthusiasm and generosity of so many people giving their time and expertise. So many thanks and congratulations to all our volunteers!
The winners will be announced on 17 May – fingers crossed!