Free tai chi classes in Windmill Gardens

Free weekly tai chi classes will be starting in Windmill Gardens on Saturday 29 November. The classes will run every Saturday, weather permitting, 11am-12 noon.
Your tai chi class instructor is experienced local teacher Nigel Gilderson. Nigel says:
“The programme will include many varied practices from tai chi and qi gong to prepare the body, mind and breath for the practising of the tai chi yang style long form. Whilst gently stimulating and lubricating the joints, this practice enables the student to cultivate their awareness of efficient movement around a central axis, thereby minimising unnecessary load on the joints.
“Students can expect to enhance strength and vitality, and acquire a quality of calm breath awareness.”
Classes are open to all levels of ability – no previous experience necessary. All ages welcome. No booking needed – just turn up to join in. Loose, warm clothing and light footwear advisable.
For more information phone or email