Education consultant appointed

Teaching - Megan

In preparation for the new education building FoWG applied for a grant so that we could employ an education consultant to update and expand the education programme delivered at Brixton Windmill.?

With the generous support of a grant from the Association of Independent Museums we recently appointed Megan Dowsett to carry out this work. Megan was selected from a strong group of applicants. A qualified teacher who worked in local primary schools, Megan now works as an educationalist in the heritage sector. She was instrumental in improving the education programme at the London Transport Museum.

Her brief is to work with FoWG’s education sub-group and local schools and teachers to re-vamp our four workshops for primary schools and create two new workshops for Key Stage 3 students. This is an exciting three-month project that will strengthen the education programme at the new education centre in good time for our re-launch in January 2019.?

Until we move in to the new building we are only able to offer school workshops at Brixton Windmill on Mondays. For information about the current programme please contact

If you are a teacher we would love to hear from you. If you would like to join our FoWG education group please email us at the same address with your details. We need more volunteers to support our education work and can offer some training.

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